The 11th District Download from 11th CD Chairman Rosie Oakley
Election Day is exactly one week from today! There is so much on the line, and each of us must do all we can to turn out every Republican vote – either during Early Voting until Saturday, November 2nd – or on Election Day. Grab like-minded friends, neighbors, family, students, and drive them to the polls to vote.
Republicans have a positive vision for the country: the opportunity for all of us to thrive in a country with secure borders, safe neighborhoods, free enterprise that is not choked to death by endless regulation, a free marketplace of ideas with no government censorship, and a judiciary faithful to the Constitution. Let’s hammer this message home in the last week and do all we can to get voters to the polls. We can be proud of the race Donald Trump and the Republicans have run, and it has been effective: just witness the panic in Democratic ranks.
The Democrats offer nothing but fear and division. For Democrats, the mission is simply to Stop Trump, by whatever means necessary. The “joy” Kamala Harris felt when she was anointed as the Democratic presidential nominee has left the building. Many of her supporters and volunteers are rude, belligerent, and even vile. Yesterday, two of our ladies, who were passing out sample ballots at the McLean Government Center, were subjected to a stream of obscenities from three different men. NO JOY. In the last couple of weeks, Democrats have stooped so low as to steal, trample, and deface signs, often in broad daylight, with one person actually attacking a sign with a knife. NO JOY. Democrats’ media adjunct is in high dudgeon, feverishly mashing the identity politics panic button and doing all it can to destroy the Trump campaign. NO JOY.
Below is a meme posted by Elon Musk on X recently that sums up the situation perfectly.
For voters in the 11th District, our mission is simple.
Vote Donald Trump, Hung Cao & Mike Van Meter!
Be Brave. Volunteer. Pray. Make America Great Again!
Rosie Oakley
11CD Chairman