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11th District Update – January 28, 2025

This week’s updates from around the district:
  • 11th District Download
  • Signature petitions for GOP candidates: Help circulate signature petitions for our GOP candidates
  • Fairfax GOP passes resolution opposing the proposed Tysons casino
  • Upcoming Republican Women’s Club events
  • Combatting Human Trafficking Presentation on Sat., Feb. 8
  • Victory in Virginia Dinner with Mercedes Schlapp Mon., Feb. 10
  • Next City of Fairfax GOP Committee meeting Thursday, Feb. 20
  • WMAL Free Speech Forum Sun., Apr. 27–tickets available now
Visit the 11th District’s website at for all information updates.
NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENT REMINDER: If you’d like to have an announcement in the newsletter, please email Mike Ginsberg at The 11CD Newsletter goes out on Tuesday mornings, so please try to have your announcement requests in by Monday at 12 noon.

The 11th District Download from 11th District Chair Rosie Oakley

Are you sitting down? Believe it or not, the FCPS Chief Equity Office Costs “We the Taxpayers” $6.4 million!
Immediately following his inauguration on January 20, President Trump issued an Executive Order that terminated DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) programs within the federal government. Several major corporations have decided to scale back or ditch their DEI programs, including Target, Amazon, Meta, and McDonald’s. COSTCO, by contrast, is continuing full steam ahead with its DEI program, and guess who’s thrilled about that? Al Sharpton, who took a group of his Harlem followers to a “buy-in” to showcase their support of the continuation of COSTCO’s DEI policy. (Sharpton remains a respected voice among Democrats after mysteriously surviving cancellation following his instigating the Crown Heights pogrom in 1991. An early preview of where DEI would take the progressive Left.)
Mark Spooner, a retired attorney in Fairfax County and author of the Fairfax Schools Monitor, made a FOIA request and dug up some interesting facts:
Here’s just a little of what he uncovered. Did you know Fairfax County Public Schools has a Chief Equity Office made up of 52 employees, whose salaries total a whopping $6.4 million? That amount could cover the salaries of 125 new teachers, but why bother with teachers for a school system when you can hire 52 bureaucrats instead? Fairfax County and FCPS couldn’t even keep schools open after a pedestrian level of snowfall earlier this month.
The Chief Equity Officer for FCPS, Nardos King, earns an annual salary of $258,641, which is more than Vice President J.D. Vance’s salary. Meanwhile, FCPS Superintendent, Michelle Reid, recently received a pay raise and now earns $424,146 per year, which is $24,146 more than President Trump’s annual salary.
These massive salaries and DEI budgets come at a time when Fairfax County is facing a $300M budget shortfall. Fairfax County politicians are doing what Los Angeles politicians did: funding boutique priorities of gentry liberals while ignoring the basics of good governance. In effect, Fairfax County politicians are forcing residents to subsidize their virtue signaling. In Los Angeles, prioritizing virtue signaling over competence led to catastrophe. Fairfax County and FCPS should learn this lesson.
Please read this excellent article by Fairfax County’s outstanding investigative journalist, Asra Nomani, in which she provides more details regarding the Chief Equity Office at FCPS, as well as the unfortunate results of various equity initiatives:
We are fortunate to have Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, another Fairfax County resident and FCPS watchdog, who regularly publishes in conservative outlets on FCPS and school issues generally. Read her most recent article about the problems that DEI causes in K-12 education:
Want to help push back against FCPS’s DEI Industrial Complex? Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 12 from 7:00-9:00pm and plan to attend the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee (FLECAC) meeting at FCPS Headquarters, 8115 Gatehouse Road in Falls Church. At the meeting, FLECAC will discuss and potentially make recommendations regarding teaching gender ideology in elementary schools. Currently, instruction begins in the 7th grade in Fairfax County.
Whether you have students in FCPS or not, we must pay close attention to what FCPS and the 100% Democrat-controlled School Board are doing. Please don’t sit back and assume President Trump can fix everything that’s wrong in America. Local governance is our responsibility, and we must all be actively engaged to ensure the best results for America’s children.
Rosie Oakley
11th District Chairman

Signature Petition Time: Help Winsome Sears, Jason Miyares, Pat Herrity and All Our GOP Candidates Get on the November Ballot

The GOP candidates running for office this fall still need our help in collecting signatures on their ballot access petitions. Any bit of help[ you can provide is great–even a single completed petition goes a long way towards getting our candidates to their signature goals. Please help including Winsome Sears for Governor; Jason Miyares for reelection as Attorney General; and Supervisor Pat Herrity (, John Curran (, and John Reid for Lieutenant Governor. (Neither the 11th District Committee nor the Fairfax GOP will endorse any candidates until after the primary on June 17, BUT we do want to help them all get their names on the ballot.)
Campaigns and candidates: if you would like, you can provide copies of your petitions to the 11th District Committee here. We will be glad to send copies to anyone in the district interested in circulating them on your behalf.
Please let District Chair Rosie Oakley know if you are willing to circulate petitions among your neighbors and friends, and she will send you petitions for any and all of these candidates. Email

Fairfax GOP Resolution Opposing the Tysons Casino

At its last meeting on Jan. 22, the Fairfax GOP meeting overwhelmingly passed a resolution opposing Senate Bill S. 982, which would permit locating a casino in Fairfax County. A casino would increase crime, decrease property values, increase the risk of mental health crises associated with gambling, and not reliably provide the revenue the Democrats supporting it expect.

After the vote, the Fairfax GOP issued a press release, which you can read here. You can read the full resolution here.

You can also learn more about the effort to oppose the Tysons casino and why a casino would be bad for Fairfax County at the No Casino Coalition website,

Upcoming Republican Women’s Club Meetings

Sat., Feb. 1, 12 noon-2:00pm: Greater McLean Republican Women’s Club “Elephants for America” Fundraising Luncheon and Silent Auction. At Wildfire Restaurant, Tysons Galleria, Tysons. Tickets are $55/person. Contact the club president here to RSVP.
Sun., Feb. 2, 3:00-5:00pm: Liberty Republican Women’s Club Bingo Event. At the Cale Community Center, 4614 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly 20151. RSVP here.

Combatting Human Trafficking Presentation on Sat., Feb. 8

The St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Church will be hosting an important presentation on combatting human trafficking with Detective Bill Woolf, a veteran law enforcement expert with deep experience in how to identify and stop human trafficking. Bakhita Kids, a non-profit focused on helping children in poverty and increasing awareness of human trafficking, is sponsoring the event. It will be held at the St. Thomas a Becket Church, 1241 Wiehle Ave., Reston 20190. The weekday Mass will begin at 9:00am and the breakfast and presentation will begin at 10:00am. Details in the flyer pictured.

Victory in VA Dinner with Mercedes Schlapp Monday, Feb. 10

Join the Victory in Virginia group for dinner with Mercedes Schlapp, Senior Fellow at the CPAC Foundation, on Monday, February 10, at 6:30pm. It will be held at the Metro 29 Diner, 4711 Langston Blvd., Arlington 22207. Please RSVP to Details in the flyer pictured.

Next City of Fairfax GOP Committee Meeting Thursday, Feb. 20

The next City of Fairfax GOP Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, February 20, at 7:00pm. The social period begins at 7:00pm and the business meeting will begin at 7:30pm. Guest speaker will be RPV Chairman Rich Anderson. This special meeting will be at a private home in the City of Fairfax. RSVP to for address and planning purposes. Please Venmo contributions to cover food and wine to @Anahita-Renner or bring cash.

WMAL Free Speech Forum on Sun., April 27 at The Birchmere

WMAL Radio is once again hosting its legendary Free Speech Forum at The Birchmere in Alexandria on Sunday, April 27, at 7:00pm.
Join Chris Plante, Larry O’Connor, and Vince Coglianese as they share the stage celebrate the First 100 Days of the new administration, while taking your questions… and holding nothing back! Enjoy a night of laughs, behind the scenes stories, and unfiltered conversations with like-minded WMAL listeners.
Doors will open at 5:00pm and show begins at 7:00pm. Tickets are on sale today–you can get yours now online here.

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